A Head Model This is a somewhat stylized face/head, no hair, no hat etc., but otherwise fairly detailed. The attributes you'll find are are just some arbitrary settings involving color, specularity, and hardness. The brushmaps or textures that might be applied are up to you. I've found that "states" can be made to animate the expression. However, because the polygons can sometimes move in unexpected ways while changing position, odd "crumpled" artifacts can occur. A bit of background. I released another head some years ago, and you may have seen it floating around the net, or on a CD. That one was modelled using Turbo Silver. This one was done with the great grand child of that program, Imagine 3.0 (TM). The improvements evident in this one are the result of both the greater power of Imagine, and my own experience. The earlier model took perhaps 60 hours of really hard work. This one took less than 10 hours. Essentially, I just draw in the features free hand, and connect the faces. Ownership Of course, any renders belong to you. However, being the discoverer of all these points in XYZ space, I retain rights to them. Also, the method of creating them, called "thinking" belongs to me (sarcasm intended.) If you like this work, please reciprocate by uploading some of your work. Hats off to all those who have already done so. Greg Denby gdenby@darwin.cc.nd.edu Greg Denby